Saturday, December 20, 2008

I´m in love

It happened so fast I don´t know what to think. I mean I thought I´d come here and just stay to myself, and now I´m in love.

His name is Chema and he turns 3 years old on Christmas Eve. He is the son of one of the brothers that runs the hotel where I have been staying. He is seriously so cute that I have to control myself and not scream about how cute he is everytime I see him. For a child that is not even 3 yet, he is amazingly smart. Obviously he speaks better spanish than me, however we are still able to communicate. But his little brown eyes and his little buzz cut have stolen my heart. He also is able to whistle unbelievably well for such a small child. The Mayan men whistle to signal each other and communicate and this kid has it down. I can´t even whistle as well as he can.

Last night the family had a huge pre-Christmas party and one of the games was a gift exchange game. Well Chema didn´t want to wait to open his, so he snuck off and came back holding up a shirt and was all happy and giddy. His dad and I had a good laugh over it. The anticipation of waiting to open gifts was seeming to kill everyone, but Chema, well no bother, he´ll just take the reins and open presents at his convenience.

I move into a room tomorrow in a casa with some other gringos. Fortunately this does not mean that Chema and I are breaking up. The casa where I am going to be living is directly behind the hotel, and I also know where the family lives in the village too. But it´s not like I´m stalking him or anything . . . .

1 comment:

Colemans said...

Can't wait to see pictures! Did mom find your USB cable?